"L" corporation membership
DRI management of investments, d.o.o.
DRI investment management d.o.o. is the largest engineering and consulting company in Slovenia. Expert knowledge, extensive experience and the trust gained from public and private clients are the foundations on which the company has established itself as a reliable partner in the realization of investments in the field of railway, road, communal and water infrastructure, buildings and transport. DRI combines technical, economic and other expert knowledge in one place, indispensable in the management of the most demanding infrastructure projects.
A wide range of activities enables the company to organize and manage investments in all phases of the investment process - from planning, design and construction to maintenance and management.
Institute for Mining, Geotechnology and Environment and IRGO Consulting d.o.o. they operate in the entire territory of the Republic of Slovenia and abroad: in Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Italy, and in the past we also operated in Russia and Croatia. We cooperate with various development and related institutions in Slovenia.
With persistent investment in personnel and equipment, we have become one of the top experts in the geotechnical and mining industry in Slovenia.
We are present in all major current projects, such as: the national highway construction program, the railway program, the construction of hydroelectric power plants, the closure of mines and the rehabilitation of natural disasters. We developed projects for approximately 35 km of constructed highway tunnels at home and abroad.
In the last decade, we carried out geological-geomechanical research for several projects of national importance and, among other things, designed the first regional center for waste management in Slovenia.
Družba PROJEKT d.d. NOVA GORICA je ena največjih projektantskih in inženirskih organizacij v Sloveniji s 70-letno zgodovino. Organizirana je na principu sodobnega projektnega vodenja, ki zagotavlja uspešno vodenje in realizacijo tudi najzahtevnejših projektov, vse od ideje do izvedbe. Skupaj z odvisnimi družbami zaposluje približno 150 visoko usposobljenih in motiviranih strokovnjakov različnih področij, ki zagotavljajo uspešno izvedbo vseh vrst projektov, tako v fazi izdelave projektne dokumentacije in vodenja investicij kot v fazi inženiringa in strokovnega nadzora nad gradnjo.
Družba stopa v prihodnost z jasno vizijo nenehnega utrjevanja slovesa zaupanja vredne organizacije na domačem trgu, istočasno pa s svojim poslovanjem presega državne meje in svoje bogate izkušnje in znanja uporablja za uspešno trženje svojih storitev tudi na trgih jugovzhodne in zahodne Evrope.